In Machine learning and statistics, a common task is to fit a model to a set of training data. This model can be used later to make predictions or classify new data points...

In Machine learning and statistics, a common task is to fit a model to a set of training data. This model can be used later to make predictions or classify new data points...
Kaggle is a Data Science community where thousands of Data Scientists compete to solve complex data problems. In this article we are going to see how to go through a Kaggle competition step by step.
Since Andrej Karpathy conviced me of the The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks, I decided to give it a try as soon as possible. As I was wondering in the Wiesn in Munich for the Oktoberfest, the beer festival, I wondered how would a RNN write a beer review.
Some time ago I discovered a very nice tool to find nearby events and things to do around. It's called and I found it very useful.
When I travel, I always want to get the most of the city I'm visiting. One way is to talk to local people and get advices about which spots you shouldn't miss. But I wish I could have the point of view of the past visitors... Which places did they enjoy the most ? Where is the best spot to watch the sunset ? The best selfies you can get ? I also want to have a look of some beaches before choosing one or getting an idea about what some areas looks like... The idea here is to ask Instagram about the nearby popular spots.